Office Policies

Office Protocol

The pre-visit appointment reminder will be emailed 48 hours prior to the appointment. Please contact our office if you or your child are feeling ill (new cough, headache, weakness, fever, sore throat, runny nose, etc.)

To limit traffic in our offices, we strongly recommend each patient is to be accompanied by only ONE healthy caregiver. Please arrange childcare for sibling(s)


Consultations require a referral letter from your primary care physician, nurse practitioner or another specialist. Please fax referral letters to 1-888-760-8399. Our office does not provide primary care services to patients.


Initial consultations and follow up visits are scheduled either in person or via telehealth. Appointment length of time varies from 15 minutes to 90 minutes depending of the complexity of the issue(s). Your child must be present for the appointment.

Patient Intake Form

Prior to the initial consult, parents will need to complete a Patient Intake form on behalf of their child. An intake form will be sent via email. Please ensure the form is completed prior to your child’s appointment.


Teaching is an important part of our medical practice.  We often host residents and UBC medical students in our office. Families are encouraged to support our teaching efforts by allowing these trainees to participate in their medical care.  Please advise us if you have any concerns.

Cancellation Policy

Our office require 24 hours notice when cancelling an appointment. Please call 778-456-0030 or email if you are unable to attend.

Mobility Issues

Please note our office is not wheelchair accessible. If any individual(s) attending the appointment have mobility issues, please contact our office so we may accommodate their needs.

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